Main subject of research:
Studies of magnetic, magnetotransport, magnetooptical and heat-capacity properties of various oxide and intermetallic compounds. Particular interest is turn to high temperature superconductors (HTSC), two gap superconductor MgB2, manganites and cobaltites, and magnetic semiconductors. In last period also the research of organic materials are developed.
Research interest is concentrated on phase transitions induced by temperature or magnetic field changes. The effects of hydrostatic pressure or illumination on sample properties are also studied. In HTSC, the research interest is concentrated, particularly, on basic thermodynamic parameters of superconducting state, vortex matter phase diagram, influence of chemical substitutions and radiation defects on properties of vortex lattice.
Experiments (in wide magnetic field range - up to 9 T, and in temperature range 2 - 360 K) are carried out on single- and poly- crystalline bulk samples, thin films and powders using various techniques: SQUID, VSM and torque magnetometers, AC susceptometer, relaxation and adiabatic calorimeters, ESR spectrometer, sets for magnetotransport measurements and for observation of magnetic domain structure.