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Interaction of SARS-CoV-2 with host cells and antibodies: experiment and simulation

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the primary etiological agent responsible for the catastrophic global COVID-19 pandemic, as officially declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) in March 2020. This pandemic has infected more than 700 million people and claimed the lives of more than 70 million people worldwide. In Poland, there are about 6.5 million infected...

How soluble misfolded proteins bypass chaperones at the molecular level

Subpopulations of soluble, misfolded proteins can bypass chaperones within cells. The extent of this phenomenon and how it happens at the molecular level are unknown. Through a meta-analysis of the experimental literature we find that in all quantitative protein refolding studies there is always a subpopulation of soluble but misfolded protein that does not fold in the presence of one or more chaperones,...

Carbon Oxide Decomposition as a Novel Technique for Ultrahigh Quality ZnO Nanowire Crystallization

By modifying the classic method of growing ZnO nanowires, we were able to achieve an exceptionally high level of structural and optical quality in individual ZnO nanowires. The half-width of the exciton bound to the donor measured an unprecedented 0.5 meV. Thermodynamic calculations, based on equilibrium and Gibbs free energies, indicated that the reduction of zinc oxide by carbon monoxide played...

Universality of Internal Correlations of Strongly Interacting p-Wave Fermions in One-Dimensional Geometry

The various properties of ultracold atomic gases significantly depend on the shape of the trap in which they are contained. However, it turns out that the quantum correlations between their subsystems can be completely independent of this. Such is the surprising conclusion of a theoretical paper by two Polish physicists, Przemysław Kościk and Tomasz Sowiński, just published in Physical Review L...
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